Words of Encouragement for When You Need it

Comforting Words of Encouragement for Hard Times

Words of Encouragement for When You Need it

Words of Encouragement for When You Need it – 

  • This is what you’re going through, not who you are.
  •  “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
  • You are doing awesome!
  • This is tough, but you’re tougher.
  • Don’t stress. You got this!
  • Good luck today! I know you are going to do great.
  • You’re making a big change, and I’m so proud of you!
  • Sending some good vibes and happy thoughts your way.
  • “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.”
  • I know things are difficult right now, but I also know you’ve got what it takes to get through it.
  •  Sending good thoughts your way—I believe in you and don’t doubt for a minute that you will kill it.
  • Keeping you close in my thoughts, today especially.
  • “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”
  • We’ve got friends for our happiest days and saddest moments. I hope you know I’m your friend now just as much as ever.
  • I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but this too shall pass.
  • You are always on my mind and in my heart.
  • “Courage, dear heart.”
  • You are so strong, and you are amazing for facing this with so much courage.
  • If you ever need to talk, or just cry, you know where to find me!
  • I hope you have a better day today.
  • The next chapter of your life is going to be so amazing.
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.”
  • I believe in you! And unicorns. But mostly you.
  • What you’re going through right now is hard, but I’m rooting for you every minute of every day.
  • I can’t wait to catch up with you soon so you can fill me in on all that’s been going on in your life.

Comforting Words of Encouragement for Hard Times

  • When times get dark, find every way to see the light within you.
  • There’s more to life than what it seems on the surface. When you find this, you’ll gain more hope for the future than ever.
  • Your life is worth fighting for when necessary. Never give up.
  • Rather than let the world kick you when you’re down and weak, stand up and do something about it.
  • When those around you need help, don’t give up. Instead, help them get back on their feet too.
  • The glass is half empty only because you choose to see it that way. Therefore, make the choice to see it as half full. Doing so can give you the strength you need to persist through almost anything.
  • Turn each of life’s disappointments and struggles into something that benefits you and makes you stronger.
  • When the storm comes, be the soldier that survives the blizzard.
  • Be grateful for those you care about because this can make you bond even more.
  • When life gets too difficult to bear, your inner strength can help you fight your toughest battles.
  •  Believe in Santa Claus, unicorns, and the like. After all, keeping your childhood dreams can motivate you to dream bigger and imagine better.
  • You deserve to have a happier day, a healthier year, and an exceptional life.
  • Go ahead and sing your own praises, especially when you’re alone because no one’s going to hear you anyway.
  • All of the troubles you have now will be a thing of the past, so don’t worry about them today. Instead, look forward to a beautiful future.
  • May you always be surrounded by people who love you for who you are.
  • You’re not alone since I’ll always be right here with you, even if just in spirit.
  • What you’re going through now doesn’t define you.
  • Difficult times give you opportunities to examine yourself so you can become a better, happier you.

Simple Thinking-of-You Encouragement

  • “You’re never far from my thoughts.”
  • “Know how often I think of you? Always.”
  • “You’re on my mind and in my heart.”
  • “Keeping you close in my thoughts.”
  • “Lifting you up in prayer and hoping you have a better day today.”
  • “I can’t wait to catch up with you soon.”
  • “Just wanted you to know you’re on my mind and in my prayers.”
  • “I’m thinking of you. And I’m just a text or phone call away.”
  • “I hope you don’t feel alone as you go through this time. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you all the way.”

 Failing to Achieve a Goal or Dream

  • You have so much more worth than this, and I want you to remember that. Whenever you need an extra boost of encouragement, I’m your personal cheerleader!
  • I know you can achieve great things, but don’t forget to be kind to yourself along the way. Take regular breaks and practice self-care when needed. Everyone has their own unique timeline for success. You’ll get there eventually!
  • It’s okay to take some time for yourself and figure out a new plan. You have all the skills and knowledge to get back on track. You just have to believe in yourself. Don’t forget that I’m here, cheering you on every step of the way! My door is always open if you need someone to talk to or listen to.
  • Remember that you’re powerful, capable, and strong. There’s always something new to learn and a fresh perspective to gain. There could be an even better opportunity waiting just around the corner.

Inspirational Divorce Quotes

 Experiencing Financial Setbacks

  • Money issues can be incredibly stressful, but I want you to remember that no matter what happens, it doesn’t define who you are.
  • It’s okay to grieve the lost or delayed opportunities, but don’t forget that your worth extends far beyond your financial situation. You are strong and resilient and can make it through this rough patch.
  • Let me know if there is anything I can do. You’re a good friend, and I’ll do what I can to help you out in between jobs. In the meantime, remember that it’s okay to take a break and breathe.
  • You don’t have to do everything at once—just do your best and take things one step at a time. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, scared, or frustrated.

How to become bold and confident woman


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