Words of Encouragement for Kids and Students

Positive Words of Encouragement for Students

Words of Encouragement for Kids and Students

Words of Encouragement for Kids and Students – 

  • You are loved
  • Being a parent is my favorite job
  • I miss you when I don’t see you
  • I think about you all the time
  • I will always try to keep you safe
  • You make me smile
  • I believe you
  • I love spending time with you
  • You can tell me anything
  • I will love you no matter what
  • I am so proud of you
  • I am proud of the person you are becoming

Powerful Words of Encouragement for Students

  • Believe it or not, tough times often quickly dissolve into easier times. You’ve got what it takes to get past a tough time.
  • Do you know why people make mistakes? Because they are willing to see just how far they can push themselves. You don’t know what you’re capable of achieving until you try to achieve it.
  • If you fall 10 times, know that you are perfectly capable of standing up 11 times.
  • Getting a C or D on a test does not describe you as a person. A test score is simply a happening, not a person.
  • You are the only one who can decide how to end your story. Endings aren’t written by circumstances. They are written by people like you.
  • Feeling motivated doesn’t always make you feel like you’ve got Superman’s powers. Sometimes, motivation and determination are that quiet but clear voice that tells you tomorrow is another day to try, try and keep trying.
  • What’s the hardest assignment you’ve got to finish? Always do that one first because you’ve already completed the easy ones.
  • The easiest way to cope with not achieving a goal is to simply accept it. But, tell yourself that you cannot accept it unless you’ve tried to do the best you can.
  • Succeeding at school does not mean never making mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. That’s how we learn and grow. It’s avoiding making the same mistake that gets you closer to your goals.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that you don’t have to see all the steps of a big staircase. You just have to take that first step to start climbing them.
  • If you wait for just the right time to do something, well, that time may never come. In fact, the right time may be right now.

Words of Encouragement when performing a task

  • Tell me about what you are doing
  • Your ideas are so creative
  • I can see that you are trying so hard
  • It is fun spending time together isn’t it
  • Your desire to learn makes me so proud of you
  • I love your enthusiasm for this task
  • I can see that you are working so hard on this

 Inspirational quotes for students

  • Have you ever struggled to follow a path in the woods covered with fallen branches and muddy holes and, after working hard to keep following it for a long time, you eventually come to the most beautiful lake you’ve ever seen?
  • You know you can do this, right? I know you can. YOU know you can. Well, that means you’re already halfway there. And the last part of anything–a movie, a level in a video game, the last inning of a baseball game–is always the best.
  • There are always doors of opportunity opening for you but you’ve got to be the one to decide to go through those doors to see what’s on the other side
  • It may seem like some problems don’t have solutions but remember, every solution found was once somebody’s problem
  • Opportunities and chances are two entirely different things. Never let chance decide how you are going to achieve your goals.
  • What you are capable of doing right now is much more important than thinking of what you are capable of doing
  • So you made a mistake–so what? That means you tried to do something nobody else ever tried to do. That makes you
  • Have you ever played baseball with your friends and felt a little scared when it came time for you to bat because you were afraid you might strike out? But, you stepped up to the plate, anyway, didn’t you?
  • How do you know something is impossible to achieve until you try achieving it?

Words of encouragement when your child is struggling

  • All you can do is try your best
  • I am so glad you asked for help when you needed it
  • Trust your instincts
  • I believe in you
  • Nobody is perfect, and that is ok
  • You can learn from your mistakes
  • Your perseverance will help you succeed
  • Believe in yourself, you can do it
  • Take a break and come back to it
  • Mistakes are proof that you are trying

Motivational Quotes for Students

  • Nobody is perfect. Nobody! If everybody was perfect, we wouldn’t be motivated to do anything except sit and think about how perfect we are. Wouldn’t that be boring? You wouldn’t want to show your friends that new bicycle trick you taught yourself if you thought you were perfect.
  • Writing the first sentence of that essay is the best way to show yourself you are fully capable of writing the second sentence, the third sentence, and the fourth sentence.
  • Nobody can do everything they want to do but right now, in this moment, you can do anything you want to do.
  • Do you know what Kermit the Frog meant when he said “time is fun when you are eating flies”? He was saying that no matter what a frog is doing, they always find fun in doing it.
  • Do you know why they put “delete” keys on a keyboard? Because nobody is perfect. If you don’t like something you’ve done, delete it and move on.
  • If you can dream about getting a good grade on a project, you have the ability to make it happen.
  • Right now something may seem impossible but once you’ve accomplished that impossible task, it’s now a reality.
  • How can you learn to get back on your own two feet if you don’t fall over and over again? Falling teaches you how to get up as fast and capably as possible
  • What are the 10 things in your life right now that make you happy? Think about those 10 things. Then start tackling your school work. I guarantee you’ll be smiling.
  • You have an endless supply of creativity. The more you use it, the more you’ll have.
  • What do you want to be doing 10 years from now? Whatever it is depends on your ability to get things done.

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