Things to Know Before Getting Into Your First Relationship

What to do when you start your first relationship?

Things to Know Before Getting Into Your First Relationship

Things to Know Before Getting Into Your First Relationship –

Relationships are nice and should be experienced some time in life but there are things to keep in mind before entering one as you don’t enter one blindly,

Put Yourself First, Always

When I say this I don’t mean you should be overly selfish and not consider your partner, you should love your partner but love yourself more to not take yourself granted for, love yourself more to do things for your own gain and peace of mind, like leaving when necessary.

Trying new things together

Your partner would want to try new things with you and this might be problematic if you are introverted but that doesn’t mean you have to be boring, you should bear in mind that you will try new things together.

It Should Contribute To, Not Determine, Your Happiness

The relationship shouldn’t determine your happiness but contribute to it, most people that being in a relationship is what makes them happy only. Trust me when that relationship is no more watch their happiness fade. you should have your own hobbies and don’t place your whole life, happiness, and self-esteem in the hands of your partner.

The relationship shouldn’t determine whether you are happy or not it should contribute to your existing happiness.

You need to be satisfied with yourself first

Just like I said earlier, the relationship shouldn’t determine your happiness, you should be satisfied with yourself so you do not have to always seek validation from your partner thereby losing yourself and self-esteem.

Once you are satisfied with yourself then you wi;l also be satisfied with your partner.

They Are Not Worth Losing Your Friends Over

It’s common for a partner to want you to cut ties with some certain friend for good reasons like if they are flirting with him or her.

But randomly losing your friends because your partner told you to isn’t acceptable as they were there before and always will be.

In most cases, push their friends away while being in a relationship and that’s not right as they are the ones to console you when there is s future circumstance.

Surprise them with a gift

You should know that surprising your partner with gifts is what you should do in a relationship, gifts are a heartwarming love language. You don’t have to expect anything in return as this is a message to them that you are thinking about them.

Also read; Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner

Honesty Is Paramount

Before entering a relationship you should bear in mind to be honest with your partner, even when you think being dishonest is better honesty is the foundation to a healthy relationship with your partner, as it makes them love you more and trust you.

It may not end in a “happily ever after”

You should bear in mind that it might not be a forever deal, especially when you guys are very young, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it your all because after all it won’t end up happily ever after, you should give it your best and let the future decide the rest.

Don’t Change Yourself To Suit Them

Not advisable!! your partner should love you with all your perfections, imperfections, and flaws. If you have a really bad character that actually needs to be changed then you should as you don’t expect them to accept every flaw, but if they want you or want to change everything about you like turning you from calm to a baddie then that’s a red flag, cos at the end of the day the self-esteem and confidence won’t be there anymore.

Give them compliments

You should know how to compliment your partner as this makes them feel loved, confident, and happy

compliments are essential in a relationship, if you don’t compliment them another person will. You should get used to complimenting them on their appearance, outfit, and cooking.

Communication Is Everything

If you hardly communicate with people then be ready to change that when you enter into a relationship. If you don’t communicate with your partner then the relationship will crumble, if you hardly communicate your feelings then you have to because if you don’t communicate with your partner how you feel then your partner won’t know and be in the dark.

You can’t change your lover

You should be practical with your expectations about your partner, no matter how hard you try you can’t genuinely change your partner, your partner might change for your sake but will always deviate back to the old ways.

if you see something you don’t like you better not get into a relationship with hopes of changing them cause you might end up heartbroken and disappointed.


In conclusion; There are other things to know before entering a relationship but this article will you help you with the few tips up there,

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