Some key facts you need to know about the eyes

What You Need known about eyes


The eyes are one of the basic concepts in the body that should be explored daily. Human should be pretty much vigilant and careful with the hygiene of the eyes for its the mission of the world.

The eyes are life, they are the future and the pinnacle of buoyancy. If the eyes shut down its efficiency there are possible medium and stake that the victim becomes worthless.

In this article, we would discuss some key fact we human should know about the pride of life, the eyes. If you muse to be enriched with these facts, check out below.

Some key facts you need to know about the eyes

What are the eyes

burning eyes

The eyes are the organs of the visual structure that provide the body with vision, sense of nerves and impulses. They also provide the body with the ability to detect the nature of the environment by enabling several photo response via their peak.

The popular nervous combination that occurs in the eyes results in the action that Instils and narrates that the eyes detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons.

The eyes may also be seen in different colours and types via the nature status. In the higher creatures, the eyes function effectively as the most efficient organ of the body with a minimum function that hit over 30% of the body efficiency.

The categories or parts

Just like some other part of the body, the eyes are made of different category which condones different function to aid the buoyancy of its efficiency. These categories are; cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, macula, optic nerve, choroid and vitreous. All these works consistently so to ensure the buoyancy of their efficiency.



The cornea is the transparent parts of the eyes that cover the whole eyes via the function of protection and direction of lights that enter the eyes. It’s like a window that receives the lights and directs them safely to the inner parts of the body. It also serves as the outermost lens of the eyes. When light strikes the cornea, it bends or retracted the incoming light onto the lens.


Iris eyes

The iris or irises is a thin, annular structure in the eye, that are responsible for controlling the size of the pupil. They also determine the colour of the eyes. It also aids in controlling the amount of light reaching the Retina.



The pupil is a round hole near the iris which provide the eyes with an efficient function of absorbing the light rays. It serves as a narrow mixing medium whereby light rays are restructured for the eyes favouritism.



The transparent biconvex structure in the eyes, alongside Cornea, helps in refracting light to be focused on Retina for some further mechanism. It also changes its shape to fit in with the object or the image the eyes are focused on. This also helps the Retina to form images.



The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines in the back of the inside of the eyes. This is the most efficient part of the eyes because it’s the part where images are formed. In Retina, light is received through the direction of the Lens which will be converted into neural signals that are sent to the brain for recognition through the efficiency of the optic nerves. The retina is also made of Rod and cone which determines the colour of an image.


Rods of the retina

The Rods of the retina is one of the two types of Retina photoreceptor which provide the eyes with good vision in low lights. Animals like cat have more Rods in their Retina. This is why they see clearly at night but it’s a black and white vision.



Cones are one of the photoreceptors in the retina of human eyes which provide the eyes with colours. Humans often possess more cones in their retina. This is why they see clearly in the daylight.

Optic nerves

Optic nerves

The optic nerves serve as the eyes impulses transporter of the brain. It’s connected to the brain. When information or images are formed in the Retina, they will be transferred to the brain through the efficiency of the optic nerves. The brain was able to interpret an image and notify us of the nature of the environment or what we see through the help of the Optic nerves.



The macula also serves as the rod and cone of the eyes because they are enriched with enormous photoreceptors cells that provide the eyes with colourful vision.



Choroids is the vascular layer of the eye that provides the Retina with nourishment through the blood vessels. They serve as the food vacuoles of the eyes cells. People often get blind when the Choroid is destroyed because the eyes will not receive enough nutrition.



The Vitreous is one of the parts of the eyes that helps to support the shape of the eyes and transmit impulses to the optic nerves. They are also referred to as the clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina.

The Mechanism of seeing 


The mechanism of seeing works perfectly according to how the parts of the eyes are staked. They flow in the hierarchy.

When the light rays are focused on the eye, they travel through the cornea and the lens which will serve as a filter to the light rays and pass it to the retina where the image will be formed. It thereby generates an action potential which is carried via bipolar neurons and ganglion which will be conducted by the optic nerves to the visual cortex of the brain. When the brain transmits the information, we would be able to see.

Take care of your eyes and avoid reading in dim light, gazing at a dazzling light for a long time or involving in the dearth of the lip. Don’t hesitate to abide by this measures because the eyes is vision of your future and also of the world.


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