Signs of Cheating & How to Deal – Choosing Therapy

What are the red flags of cheating?

Signs of Cheating & How to Deal

Signs of Cheating & How to Deal – Choosing Therapy –

You have noticed weird changes in your partner and you can’t pinpoint the cause, maybe he or she is cheating, maybe he or she doesn’t love me anymore.

In this article your curiosity will be satisfied after reading the tips below, it is going to give you closure on whether your partner is cheating or not.

Drastic Changes in Mood

Yes, change is inevitable and constant, but if your partner’s moods drastically change or change when you are present, then this is a sign that something is amiss and needs to be redressed.

They’re suddenly unreachable

Your partner can’t always be unreachable, if they are always busy they will make time to reach you even if it is for a few minutes, or a quick text would do.

If there was a particular time, they could be reachable but all of a sudden they can’t be this is a sign that something is going on.

Changes in Communication

Your partner doesn’t discuss with you anymore or tell you words like I love you or even no time to fight with you.

your partner ignores you when you try to make a conversation, storms off, does something else while you talk, and makes up excuses for not being available to talk.

Protectiveness with Electronic Devices

most cheating happens over the internet, once they become defensive and overprotective of you going to their phone or laptops, they are hiding something and wouldn’t want you to know what.

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Increased Stress

Who wouldn’t be stressed and anxious all the time when they are cheating? of course, they would cause they know how bad and grave it is to cheat, not all stress and anxiety are signs of cheating but if vague excuses are made up every time you ask then it is time to figure out what is been hidden from you.

Their schedule changes with no good explanation

When your partner who usually comes home early suddenly has something coming up every day that makes them late then it is a sign of cheating, or you had something planned out like a dinner date and they always cancel with the excuse of something came up.

Increased Interest in Appearance

It is nice to dress nice, but when your partner starts to really care about their appearance especially when they weren’t before or decide to change their style knowing fully well you don’t care, you might have to start worrying.

Inconsistent Explanations

They lie and don’t remember what they lied about before, if you asked them where they were and they said some location trust me if you ask the same question about where they were on that particular day they will say another location because they don’t remember what lir they told earlier, another thing they lie about is who they were with, what they were doing and etc

Changes in Behavior

Like I said change is constant, but when your partner changes drastically, from their routine to how they talk, dress, and activities then you should know something else is affecting it.

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They have a decrease—or increase—in libido

For most cheating partners their sexual libido decreases because they get it elsewhere and they are tired by the time they get home, for others, their increases may be because they are sex addicts they feel guilty or to cover their tracks.

More Time Spent Away From Home

There are most things that keep people away from home, but when it becomes too much and elevated then something is wrong, if your partner spends lots of hours in their new hobby or old hobby, brushes you off when you take an interest in the hobby or make up vague excuses on why they spend lots of hours there.

In conclusion

You should be careful when trying to figure all these out so as to not make fake accusations and when really your partner is cheating don’t be scared to call them out and take the necessary measures.


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