Responsibility of godly parents

Responsibility of godly parents

Responsibility of godly parents-

Responsibilities for taking care of the children, and spending quality time with their children is not only for one person but this responsibility is for both parents (Dad and Mom).

One of the best ways parents can teach their children is by example, becoming a role model, and also need to learn what the Lord expects them to do to fulfill the purpose of raising their children.

Husbands and wives should show love and respect for each other and for their children by expressing both spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical.

Parents should teach their children about faith, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and obey the Lord’s commandments.

Here are the Responsibilities of godly parents:

Responsibilities of the Father

Fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible for providing the necessities of life and protection for their families.

A worthy father who is a member of the Church has the opportunity to hold the priesthood, making him the priesthood leader of his family.

He should guide his family with humility and kindness rather than with force or cruelty. The scriptures teach that those who hold the priesthood should lead others by persuasion, gentleness, love, and kindness.

 He should set a good example for his family by keeping the commandments and also make sure the family prays together. By providing for the physical needs of his family, and making sure they have the necessary food, housing, and shelter.

The father should spend time with each child individually. He should teach his children the correct principles.

Also, see: How to be the best version of yourself

Responsibilities of the Mother

Bearing children is one of the greatest of all blessings of mothers. If there is no father in the home, the mother presides over the family.

 A mother spends time with her children and teaches them the gospel. She should play and work with them so they can discover the world around them.

She also needs to help her family know how to make the home a pleasant place to be. They had learned to be honest, brave, and trustworthy from their mothers.



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