Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner

Why do women prefer dating older men?

Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner

Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner –

There have been so many cases where younger girls get married to older men, but why? lots of people have questioned this choice and haven’t got a definitive answer.

However you should know that choices differ, but in this article, we are going to give you generalized tips on why younger women date/ marry older men.

At the end of the day, we should know that these answers don’t define their reasons, love knows no age and so everyone is entitled to marry date, or love anyone despite their age.

Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner

Reasons why women prefer older men for their life partner

Older men are seen as more experienced and matured

No shades to younger guys, but we all know at their age they are still trying to find their stability and yet to stand on their feet.

They are inexperienced in many aspects when it comes to life experiences, women prefer men who can protect them, their future, and kids. Many younger guys are yet to know their purpose and are not ready to settle down and that’s why most of them play with women as they feel they are still young.

Matured men have a much better mindset and matured mind than young guys as they have more experience than them and of course older, they handle and settle certain issues more maturely than younger guys.

However, we should know that not all older men behave like that, and there are younger guys who behave better than older men.

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It’s about security

Most girls feel like they need to date or marry older men because of the sense of security they get from them, just like their dad.

They take younger guys as their siblings which can’t make them feel secure.

Older men provide a greater sense of stability

When it comes to stability I mean financial and life stability, and it’s just not financial stability only just by having millions of dollars in a bank account but a man who is capable of providing for his family and knows how to spend and plan.

Most younger guys love to spend extravagantly just to live up to the rich lifestyle, they don’t have plans and just want to impress at the end of the day most of them are not family-oriented and prefer to make their girlfriends baby mamas rather than tasking them up the aisle.

They are past the drama

When I say drama I mean those dramas that cost peace of mind, and bring instability and arguments. they rather avoid anything that might lead to arguments, they avoid friends that drag them into drama but rather oriented, business-minded friends that will help them grow.

This doesn’t mean there won’t be any drama at all, there will be but it will be less frequent with older men than younger guys. younger guys love to keep the circle of friends who would put them into trouble and when the drama comes from the wife or girlfriend they make it worse instead of settling amicably and maturely.

Older men are more experienced and smart

Older men are more experienced when it comes to life aspects and of course sex too. They have learned lots of lessons from life experiences and are well-educated and vast.

This is very much noticeable during discussions and fun times and if you are smart and attentive you’ll learn a lot from them.

It’s better to also know that during the past years of their life, they have met lots of women and learned their way and how to handle them, character-wise and sex. They are very good in bed and handling women as they have explored this aspect well.

Older men are confident

They know their worth and hardly portray any insecurities, they carry themselves well and equally boost your confidence.

when they want to do something they are confident about it and they have clarity when it comes to it.

Older men know what they want

Most young guys are not aware of what they want they do realize this much later when it is late, they are indecisive especially when it comes to life decisions they can take hours to come to a decision in a little matter and still end up changing their minds and still wouldn’t accept it. when it comes to their girlfriend they would date them for years without knowing if they want to marry them or not, they’d rather want to keep enjoying life and exploring.

Older men not only know what they want but also go after it and work towards achieving it, when they make a decision towards what they want they hardly change their minds.

In conclusion; At the end of the day love matters, when looked at properly most younger guys are actually better in all ramifications compared to most older men, it doesn’t matter their age what matters is the PERSON their mindset, character, and so on.



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