Positive Affirmations for Your Daily Rotation

What are some good daily affirmations?

Positive Affirmations for Your Daily Rotation

Positive Affirmations for Your Daily Rotation

Affirmations are strong, you can manifest them by constantly using them, the greatest weapon we have been given to us by God is our tongue, your tongue can bring good or bad so while yu can use it for good.

Daily affirmations for positive change

  • I am love, and I am loved.
  • Money comes frequently and easily to me.
  • I trust my inner guidance and follow it.
  • I accept my emotions and let them move through me.
  • I take care of myself, mind, body, and spirit.
  • I trust myself to make the right decisions.
  • I am enough. I have enough.
  • I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
  • I can do hard things.
  • I allow myself to be more fully me.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I give myself permission to take up space.
  • I use my voice to speak up for myself and others.
  • I trust that I’m heading in the right direction.
  • I allow myself to make mistakes as they help me grow.
  • I accept myself exactly as I am without judgment.
  • I have everything I need to achieve my goals.
  • I am constantly generating brilliant ideas.
  • I am safe and supported.
  • I love and accept myself.
  • I am kind to myself and others.
  • I am grateful for another day of life.
  • I am worthy of what I desire.
  • I choose myself.
  • I am resilient in the face of challenges.
  • I am proud of myself and my achievements.
  • I will accomplish everything I need to do today.
  • I do my best, and my best is good enough.
  • I prioritize my well-being.
  • I overcame my fears by getting out of my comfort zone.

Positive Self-Affirmations

  • I’m freeing myself from all destructive doubt and fear.
  • I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power and confidence of mind and of heart.
  • I am going to forgive myself and free myself. I deserve to forgive and be forgiven.
  • I am healing and strengthening every day.
  • I’ve made it through hard times before, and I’ve come out stronger and better because of them. I’m going to make it through this.
  • I do not waste away a single day of my life. I squeeze every ounce of value out of each of my days on this planet—today, tomorrow, and everyday.
  • I must remember the incredible power I possess within me to achieve anything I desire.
  • I do not engage with people who try to penetrate my mind with unhelpful thoughts and ideas—I walk away when a person or a situation isn’t healthy for me.
  • I belong in this world; there are people that care about me and my worth.
  • My past might be ugly, but I am still beautiful.
  • I have made mistakes, but I will not let them define me.
  • I am successful.
  • I am confident.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am strong.
  • I am getting better and better every day.
  • All I need is within me right now.
  • I wake up motivated.
  • I am an unstoppable force of nature.
  • I am a living, breathing example of motivation.
  • I am living with abundance.
  • I don’t compare myself to others. The only person I compare myself to is the person I was yesterday. And as long as the person I am today is even the tiniest bit better than the person I was yesterday—I’m meeting my own definition of success.
  • Note to self: I am going to make you so proud.
  • I finish what matters and let go of what does not.
  • I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. This is my time.
  • My life has meaning. What I do has meaning. My actions are meaningful and inspiring.
  • What I have done today was the best I was able to do today. And for that, I am thankful.
  • One small positive thought in the morning can change my whole day. So, today I rise with a powerful thought to set the tone and allow success to reverberate through every moment of my day.
  • I set goals and go after them with all the determination I can muster. When I do this, my own skills and talents will take me to places that amaze me.
  • Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.
  • I am turning DOWN the volume of negativity in my life, while simultaneously turning UP the volume of positivity.
  • I am filled with focus.
  • I am not pushed by my problems; I am led by my dreams.
  • I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
  • I am independent and self-sufficient.
  • I can be whatever I want to be.
  • I am not defined my by past; I am driven by my future.

Positive Morning Affirmations

  • I hold community for others and am held in community by others.
  •  I hold wisdom beyond knowledge.
  • I invite abundance and a generous heart.
  • I invite art and music into my life.
  • I leave room in my life for spontaneity.
  • I let go of the things that sit achingly out of reach.
  • I look forward to tomorrow and the opportunities that await me.
  • I love that I love what I love.
  • I make decisions based on a good gut, I make changes based on a growing heart.
  •  I make time to experience grief and sadness when necessary.
  • I nourish myself with kind words and joyful foods.
  • Today I celebrate that I am younger than I’m ever going to be.
  •  Today is an opportunity to grow and learn.
  • When I feel fear, I feed trust.
  • When I focus on my reason for being, I am infinitely brave.
  • When I forgive myself, I free myself.
  •  When I release shame, I move into myself more beautifully.
  • When I root into the earth, the earth rises to support me.
  • When I speak of my needs, I receive them abundantly.
  • When I talk to myself as I would a friend, I see all my best qualities and I allow myself to shine.
  • Words may shape me, but they do not make me. I am here already.

Powerful Prophetic Declaration That Work


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