Nine Realizations of a strong woman

Traits of a Strong Woman, Defined by Strong Women

Nine Realizations of a strong woman

Nine Realizations of a strong woman – 

Being a strong woman comes with lots of sacrifices and hard work, if yousee a strong woman give her her flowers and respect because it isn’t easy being one, with that being said here a few things that makes a woman a strong one.

Mind their own business

With the nature of girls, it is tough for them to find their own business, any woman who minds her business is really a strong woman, minding their business helps them stay focused, avoid unnecessary drama, and not compare themselves with others. Any girl who has this trait is really a strong queen.

She Is Courageous

A strong woman is often courageous, she tackles [problems courageously without fear, it can be so scary but she doesn’t care but faces any obstacle on her way, fights for her rights, doesn’t get shut up, and speaks up when necessary.

They start their day on the right foot

A woman who has a solid morning routine is very strong, strong women do this because they want to have a productive day and not be lazy from the first day, you can do this by setting an alarm and not hitting the snooze button.

Cut themselves some slack

To be or being a strong woman cutting some slack is needed, it might sound somehow, especially with the motive that as a strong woman you should only be hard working, be perfect, and not give yourself the time to do other things than being perfect.

She Doesn’t Depend On Anyone Else

A woman who is strong is independent and doesn’t wait for anyone to give her emotional support, financial support, or help her out, but this doesn’t mean they don’t have anyone else in their life they rather don’t become too dependent on them, a strong woman should know that she can’t do everything by herself and can’t be flexible with all answers she wants.

They move their body

A strong woman have a good workout routine for their selves, this helps them move their body and not be lazy when it comes to other related things.

Set a good example

Through a strong woman’s strength, they set an example for others and lead them too, this might be unnoticeable to them but strong woman is noticed everywhere and their strength is prominent.

 She Knows Who She Is

Most people are afraid to know who they are, but a strong woman knows who she is and not afraid to discover more, their self-love is so prominent that no hate from outside can affect them, most people suffer from self-doubt and don’t want to believe most things about their self, but a strong woman recognizes every aspect of her self and work with them.

They set goals

Most people are afraid to set goals for fear of trying to achieve them, behind a strong woman is a list of goals she sets to accomplish, every strong woman sets goals they wants to achieve and they do achieve them and keeps setting more until they are fulfilled and satisfied.

Build other people up rather than tearing them down

Most women are really jealous of most people’s accomplishments, a strong woman helps to build people up rather than tearing them down, it takes a lot of strength and courage for a woman to help build others up and any woman who does this is a strong woman.

She Doesn’t See Showing Emotion As A Weakness

Being a strong woman doesn’t necessarily mean you should be strong in all aspects, especially when it comes to emotions, a strong woman should know that vulnerability is strength, showing emotions isn’t a weakness but being strong because it takes a lot of courage to show how you feel without fear of being judged or laughed at.

They focus

A strong woman focuses on what she does and doesn’t allow distractions to come her way, this doesn’t necessarily mean that she is a serious, stuck-up bitch, she is serious when needed and has fun when needed.

Feed their thirst for knowledge

Strong women read, be it an article, book, novel, or anything that gives them more knowledge, they’re not lazy to gain more knowledge.


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