How To Win Your Ex Back

How to make him want you again?

How To Win Your Ex Back

How To Win Your Ex Back – 

It is normal to want to get back with your ex, especially when you realize how much you love them and if you broke up out of anger, these tips will help you win your ex back

Consider how you might have changed

Not only you but your ex too, the relationship might have ended because of a bad issue like cheating, if you caused the breakup you should check if you have changed and won’t repeat the same behavior that caused the breakup.

Evaluate the Relationship

With this I mean taking time to figure out if you really want to get back with your ex or if you miss them, evaluate how the breakup happened, and figure out if you are ready to go through that, if you are willing, to be honest with each other and other tough questions you can think of regarding the relationship.

Most people who have low self-esteem are the mostly needy and it can be exhausting, if you have low self-esteem and need your ex to make you feel better you need to work on your self-esteem first before considering getting back with your ex.

Ask yourself if you trust your ex

If you still love your ex and want to get back it is best to ask yourself if you trust them to get back with them, if there are things they did that triggered the breakup are you sure you can trust them not to repeat it again?

Offer an Apology if Needed

To get back with an ex you have to tender a heartfelt apology first. validate their feelings, accept your own part of mistakes and apologize deeply for them, for an apology to be a sincere one you must first reflect on your actions, understand your ex’s feelings, accept what and the pain you have caused, show how you have learned your lesson and changed.

At some point in the relationship, you must have changed and turned into someone your ex didn’t fall in love with, it is best to be that one once again if you intend on getting back with an ex, it may be your charisma, personality or any other unique thing that made your ex fell in love with you, try to rediscover that part of you back and then your ex might accept for reconciliation.

Make sure the decision is yours

most relationships have lots of people involved, like family members, friends, etc, when broken up it affects lots of people in the long run, when getting back with an ex make sure you weren’t pressured by a third party who claimed to have been hurt the most, don’t try to get back because you parents begged you and they liked your ex pretty well to let go.

Don’t rush to get back with your ex because it can be overwhelming, you could hang out casually and grow into each other, you can have drinks together or other non-committal activities to help re-strengthen the broken bond between you two.

Shift Your Perspective

Your aim should not only get back with your ex but also to make sure the relationship lasts this time, you should shift whatever negative perspective you had from the previous relationship you guys had, forget the past, and be positive about the relationship you are trying to rebuild.


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