How to tell if a guy likes you

What are the signs that a guy is really into you?

How to tell if a guy likes you

How to tell if a guy likes you – 

As human beings, we can be curious about certain things when it regards us, if you want to know if that guy likes you then. you are in the right article

He Always Seems to be Where You Are

Sounds cliche but this is a good way to know if a guy likes you or not, anywhere you are he always ends up there, and while there he tries to get your attention and constantly looks at you.

He’ll Touch You Back

if you are really that curious to know if he likes you or not then go ahead and play the intentional touching trick, trust me he will touch you back,  but you should know that people are different, most guys freeze and become stiff when their crush touches them while some aren’t so if he doesn’t touch you back don’t conclude he doesn’t like you.

He approaches you

A guy who is interested in you will surely approach you, and he will find a way to, however, most guys are too shy to do this they rather stay afar and watch you, but this doesn’t make the guy a coward, people are different, he will surely approach you when he feels courageous enough to confess his feelings.

He leans toward you during a conversation

Most people like to be in close proximity with someone they like, leaning closer to them or touching them, if a guy does this to you then he likes you and likely wanted to kiss you but regained his composure, but don’t go around thinking every guy who does this likes you, most of them are just flirts.

He Stares at You a Lot

According to science, men are more visual than women they tend to look at things they like, when a guy keeps staring at you when you ta;lk or from just across the room then he must have taken a liking to you. It is advisable to decipher the type of look before concluding, that there is a big difference in the looks of people, like hatred, curiosity, love, or envy.

His Pupils Will Dilate

Monitor his eyes, if they dilate then he is attracted to you and aroused by your presence, but if they constrict that is a sign of not being attracted.

More tips:

  • You catch him checking you out

  • He angles his body toward you in the room
  • He Accidentally on Purpose Touches You
  • He’ll Make Extra Eye Contact

  • You can tell he’s self-conscious

  • He angles his body toward you in the room
  • You Make Him Nervous
  • He’ll Get Closer

  • His disinterest seems forced

  • He finds small ways to compliment you

  • He Likes a Lot of Things About You
  • He’ll Make You Laugh

  • His body is turned toward you

  • He singles you out in a group
  • He Can’t Stop Smiling
  • His Face Will Be More Expressive


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