How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

How can I make my girlfriend feel extra special?

How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

How To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special – 

Ladies love it when their man makes them feel special. if you don’t know how to make your woman feel special, then this is the right article for you.

There are things you have to do to show her how much you adore and love her and you have to start by prioritizing her first.

Create a safe space for her

Above all, make her feel safe, and secure around you both emotionally and physically. Safety facilitates intimacy and trust—core ingredients in a loving relationship.

Compliment her often

You have to compliment your woman often in order to make her feel good and loved by you, you can compliment her looks, personality, outfits, and even her insecurities and flaws.

Plan Surprise Dates

Planning dates will help her feel loved and cherished, it doesn’t have to be a big date, picnic date, drive, cinema, going to the aquarium, going for walks, etc.

Physical Needs

providing for her physical needs, giving her your jacket, caring for her, and ensuring she is safe too.

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Understand her love language

when you understand her love language you can then know ways to make her feel loved and special, her love language could be physical touch, gifts, words of affirmation, etc,

Help her out and do favors for her

When you do little favors for her she will feel loved, favors like giving her a ride, getting lunch, helping her out with the chores, a massage, and making her a coffee.

Kiss Her Forehead

Kisses on the forehead are loved by every girl, it means you adore and cherish her, in a situation where a kiss isn’t acceptable, this will suffice.

Listen And Be Present

Giving your utmost attention is a nice way to show her how much you care when she vents, rants, and gists with you your attention will make her know you love her, being present in her ups and downs, and every step of her life.

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Be Respectful To Her

Every respected girl feels cherished and loved, how do you respect her? By listening to her opinions, and allowing her to express herself, respecting her decisions and choices too.

 Build her up, don’t tear her down

By celebrating her wins with her, helping her in her business, and boosting her self-confidence and esteem, when she fails to help her feel motivated not blaming and finger-pointing.

Support her dreams

you can be supportive by being financially available, motivating her, letting her know you believe in her, and supporting her aspirations.

Express Your Feelings

When you express yourself around her she will feel special enough to know your feelings, tell her how much you love her using genuine words to make her feel adored and special.

Be Faithful To Her

You have to be faithful to her by not staring or flirting with other girls, this will make her feel special and loved. This will help strengthen the bond between you two.

Ask About Her Likes And Dislikes

To be sure that you understand her and do the things she wants, ask her about the things that make her feel special, her likes and dislikes, and her interests and hobbies. Once you know what she likes, do one or two a day, depending on your energy levels and emotional capacity that day.



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