Great Strategies for Independent Music Marketing

Great Strategies for Independent Music Marketing
Great Strategies for Independent Music Marketing

Keeping up with all the new music that is posted online every day is challenging. Finding listeners for your music on social media sites is particularly difficult. Social media may be a useful tool for marketing your company or your goods. It may also assist you in developing a fan base and audience before releasing any new material, which will result in less opposition when you do release a new song or album.

Most of us don’t have the money to pay for marketing on various social media platforms, therefore we need to find alternative strategies to increase the number of people that hear our music. You may as well have some control over where and when people hear your music on social media because that is presumably where they will anyhow. You may get your music in front of the audience of your choosing, but it can take some time. Have patience and use smart techniques.

Consistency is the key to succeeding on social media. You must have a strategy and follow it religiously. Social networking won’t instantly change how the world perceives you or encourage more music sales. You need to understand how to offer your followers what they want since connecting with them on social media is a highly personal experience. You will never be able to engage your target audience with your music if you do not grasp who they are.

Steps to get noticed on social media

1. Create content

Give individuals the chance to discover more about you and your industry if they want to know more about you. You need to provide them with information that will be helpful to them and show them how to operate your product or service. Give them the information they need in a style that is interesting and simple to understand.

Let your audience get to know you by sharing information about yourself and the good and bad periods of your industry. People like tales and are curious about you. You may express a lot of yourself via your music. Share more than simply your music; describe its creation, the source of its inspiration, and the ways in which it motivates listeners to live better lives.

If you have been releasing albums or singles on a regular basis, carry on doing so even on social networking sites. This provides listeners who have enjoyed your music something to anticipate.

2. Create useful content

Consider what they are seeking out by putting yourself in the shoes of your audience. Don’t make it difficult for them to obtain the information that will teach them more about you. Make it simpler for people to locate the music that inspires you and improves their life if your industry is centered on music. You will be able to establish deeper relationships with others when the information is shared.

Give your audience something that enables them to learn more about you rather than simply posting a generic album cover image. If people like the song, they are more likely to follow the artist and spread the word about the post to their social networks, which will expand their audience and visibility. People like finding out more information about others that are similar to them. People with like hobbies may assist one another.

Try to compose in your head while keeping your audience in mind if you don’t currently have any music to present. What are they seeking, exactly? What will entice people to learn more about you or your music? Your objective should be to provide insightful articles that aid your audience in discovering and comprehending more about you.

3. Find a way to connect with your audience

Many individuals, particularly those who believe they have no one with whom to connect, are searching for someone with whom to connect. Produce something that appeals to them. Ask them questions that will help them get to know you better or share humorous experiences from your life. Give people a chance to engage with you, and you’ll see a rise in your followers on social media.

You need to make sure that you are communicating with more people than just those that are familiar with and devoted to your music if you want to grow a sizable following on social media. It is about creating real relationships, not about statistics. Others will step in to fill the void created by your lack of effort in seeking out new followers, leaving little place for your music or company. Make sure your postings are engaging and easy to share so that others can quickly assist promote your music.

Recognize the audience you are already engaging and the demographics of your followers. Look for other comparable artists in that field if your music falls into one genre and you wish to connect with another. Additionally, you may search for musicians or bands who share your interests in the same cities, states, or nations.

4. Engage with your audience

Sharing material is just one aspect of social media engagement. Along with sharing material from other individuals, programs, and artists, it also involves reacting to their comments and messages. The most crucial thing is to reply to every single person that contacts you. As a musician and business person, it is your responsibility to reach out to them if they have taken the time to connect with you.

Include it in your schedule if you don’t have the time or are unsure of how much time you can spend online each day. Establish a timetable for yourself, and follow it. Use a site like Buffer to schedule your articles to go live throughout the day while you are sleeping or working, even if you can only check in once per day.

Establish a routine to engage your current audience and provide them with more than just your music. Participate in their life, be supportive of their work, and facilitate connections between them and others in the field. One of the finest strategies to increase your social media following is to assist your audience in connecting with one another.

5. Always look for new opportunities

Do not anticipate an immediate significant increase in your social media following, even if you consistently provide high-quality material. Social networking is similar to fishing in that you can’t simply wait around for the fish to come to you. You must put yourself out there and search for them. If you don’t put in the effort to seek out new fans, you will never have sizable followers on social media.

Never give up, even if it seems impossible. You never know what chances may present themselves to assist you in growing your following on social media platforms since they are always changing.

A program like Hootsuite, which enables you to plan posts across all of your social networks at once, may help you increase your following. Use tools to track the number of times your material is shared on social media to determine the sorts of content that people will find most useful. From there, you may test new strategies and keep reposting the ones that have shown to be most effective.

Try posting something distinctive and personal. Instead of just sharing the same stuff again and time again, create something unique. In order to spread the word about your music and engage more listeners, it’s critical to explore new ideas and have an open mind.

6. Promote through the right channels

Not all of your efforts to reach out to new fans need to be on social media platforms. Even though Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are great promotional tools, there are still other methods for promoting your music. Make sure that you promote your music through the different social media platforms and beyond their boundaries.

Discuss your music with other artists, business people, bloggers, and podcasters to discover who else you may connect with. Twitter is a fantastic social media site for interacting with other creatives and exchanging material. Facebook forums and groups can also be used for music promotion.

Create a website for your band and put details about upcoming shows, events, and new releases on it. You may get followers to follow you online by posting interviews, music videos, or video diaries. Find extra methods to market your music outside of social media if you want more listeners, and be sure to let people know about it.

7. Use other platforms to drive traffic

The best way of expanding your reach on social media is through the right combination of efforts – connecting with a wider audience, sharing interesting content, and promoting your music effectively. The method that you choose to use is not as important as the effort that you put in.

Make some moving visuals for your next release since the video is one of the finest methods to advertise your music. One of the first places people go to learn more about a new band or musician is the music video. Make sure to upload them to Vimeo, YouTube, and other video-sharing websites.

A podcast may be produced in a similar manner as an additional means of music promotion. It is a good strategy to test if people like you enough to listen to your tale since podcasts are wonderful for growing an audience. Be sure to pay attention to other music-related websites like Bandcamp and Soundcloud. Although social media is fantastic, it may also be helpful to increase awareness in other ways.

8. Create content that is of interest

Making new relationships depends on the quality and appeal of the material you offer. People will stop wanting to follow you if you consistently share the same kind of stuff. However, your audience will engage with your material more often if you provide a variety of engaging and useful pieces. Posting interesting videos, lyric analyses, or links to articles will help you get more social media followers.

You may also utilize resources like Riffle to find the information that is most widely shared across a variety of social networks. From there, you can determine what kind of information your followers are interested in and discover how to work with your tools more effectively.

9. Host events

Because they like doing live shows, artists want more people to listen to their music. Get out there and perform in front of as many people as you can if you want more fans. A larger audience may be reached via live music in a manner that is impossible through other channels. If you’re just getting started, you might start with acoustic house gigs in nearby locations to develop a devoted fan base. House performances provide your audience the chance to learn more about you personally while also giving you the chance to hear from followers. People will go out of their way to see your name on a concert bill if you want more live performances.

Even while social media is fantastic, nothing compares to being able to attend a live performance by your favorite musician. You’ll be able to listen to the music and see your favorite band interact with its audience live on stage. You never know who will show up to see you perform live. When you are performing in front of an audience, some of your online admirers may be your staunchest supporters because they want you to succeed. Focus on what is working for you while also doing new things in order to attract a following that will help you realize your aspiration to become a musician.

10. Use thematic content to further your career

Even while social media is great, nothing beats being able to see your favorite artist play in person. You may enjoy the music while seeing your favorite band interact with the crowd live on stage. You never know who will attend a live performance. Some of your online fans may be your staunchest supporters while you are performing in front of an audience because they want you to succeed. In order to get a following that will assist you in realizing your dream of being a musician, concentrate on what is already working for you while also trying new things.

By examining the tales that link music and characters to form a cohesive narrative, one example of thematic material may be seen. You may establish a more devoted following and create your own distinctive brand by producing themed material. Video and other forms of media may be utilized in a variety of ways to present thematic material.


A web of technology may ensnare many singers when it comes to growing their social media following. It is easy to overlook the fundamentals, and a lot of individuals concentrate entirely on social media when there are other crucial areas of their organization.

As an artist, connecting with your audience and gaining a devoted following should be your top priorities. You need to approach this with the appropriate mindset and keep your attention on your most critical priorities.


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