Giving up on Love: Know the Reasons

How do you deal with giving up on love?

Giving up on Love

Giving up on Love: Know the Reasons –

Love is beautiful, it is a nice feeling everyone should experience with the right person.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages, and love itself isn’t an exception,

It has its own ups and downs and is not always like a bed of roses, some people face this and yet keep on

going whereas others can’t and in the end give up on it.

In this article I’m going to give you reasons why people give up on love and of course the remedies to it.

They Do Not Want to Bear the Pain of a Heartbreak Again

Heartbreak is a big challenge and trauma, especially Love heartbreaks, Most people are soft and tender-hearted and wouldn’t want to go through that pain again hence they give up on love,

Their Idea of Love Is a Fairy Tale/ Fantasy

Most people think love is just like what they watch in movies or cartoons, where it is all love and sweet no fighting whatsoever. Hence, they take the mindset to look for love. Love isn’t perfect and the earlier you realize the better for you.

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Too many fights

Constant fighting in a relationship is actually toxic that’s why most people think it’s gonna be like that in every relationship which leads to them giving up on love.

They Are Not Ready for a Relationship

Most people are not ready for relationships for certain reasons best known to them. like school, bad ex, career, and sometimes insecurities.

However, nobody should force you into one until you are ready there’s no crime in not being ready yet.

Unfulfilled expectations

There are some expectations everyone expects from their [partner, but if that expectations are not met they might be forced to give up on it. It might be financial expectations and mental, emotional, and physical expectations.

They Are Not Able to Find Their Perfect Match

In this Gen Z era, there’s something called spec, there are most people who are hell-bent on finding their perfect match and spec and most people do give up on love until they find the one.

One-way sacrifices

Making sacrifices in a relationship is one of the ways to show your love and support but however, but this should be done from both sides and not one way.

They Do Not Want to Put in Any Effort

Relationships require time and effort and if that isn’t invested it won’t work out, most people are in a relationship to pass the time and won’t put effort while some are too busy to invest time and effort and this can make the partner emotionally scarred and give up.

Closed communication

Communication is the most vital means to keep a relationship working but if the communication is closed and not there the relationship will fall and not work. Not expressing your needs and wants to your partner isn’t advisable.

 They Are Too Independent

Most people are too Independent to give love a chance, they feel like they don’t need someone to rely on, most of them are too busy working to be in a relationship,

You are not been criticized but any day you feel like being in a relationship you should give it a shot and do your best.

Abusive relationship

Your partner should never in any way abuse you either physically or mentally irrespective of the case. Most people experience this leaving them emotionally scarred and traumatised hence leaving them doubtful about love.

They Feel They Do Not Deserve to Be Loved

Everyone deserves to be loved but most people don’t believe that as a result of what they were told or how they’ve been treated their lives which leads to low self-esteem. Build up your self-esteem and give love a chance.

Trust issues

Trust issues are a big problem in relationships which leads to insecurities nobody likes to not be trusted especially by their own partner, Having trust issues can be worked on by communicating well and believing your partner.

They Have Commitment Issues 

Most people who give up on love have commitment issues as they view relationships as being in jail. they can’t be committed to one person and thereby try as much as possible to not be in a relationship. Most of them have been hurt by who they committed to previously and hence find it difficult to commit again. It’s better to stay positive about relationships.

In conclusion;

some tips for finding love:

  • Be yourself. It may sound like a repetitive piece of advice, but it is the most significant. The right person will value you as you are.
  • Become a partner, not a liability. Nobody likes living with a damsel in distress. Make sure you create a relationship of coequals and help your partner in every duty.
  • Be forbearing. Love is the foremost step. So don’t give up on it. Keep your heart free, and you’ll find it ultimately.
  • Be available for new adventures. Feel free to put yourself out there. It is time to encounter new people.
  • Be practical. Do not expect your partner to bring the whole world for you. Some things are better in hypothesis. You need to set practical goals.

Love is beautiful when experienced right, giving up on it isn’t the solution, rather beat the reasons why you gave up in the first place. Be positive and not negative. See relationships with a good mindset.

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