68 Hilarious Valentine’s Day Jokes That Will Make You Smile

Valentine’s Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14th each year. It is often associated with romantic love and is a popular time for couples to express their love for each other through gifts, cards, and special dates. However, it can also be a day to celebrate all forms of love, including friendships and familial love. It is believed to have originated as a Christian holiday honoring Saint Valentine, but has now become a popular secular holiday celebrated around the world.


1. Why did the Valentine’s Day card get a job?
Because it was a résumé-tic!

2. What did the Valentine’s Day card say to the stamp?
Stick with me and we’ll go places!

3. What does a man who loves his car do on February 14th?
He gives it a valenshine!

4. What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day?
I’m stuck on you!

5. What did the boy pickle say to the girl pickle on Valentine’s Day?
You mean a great dill to me!

6. What did the French chef give his wife for Valentine’s Day?
A hug and a quiche!

7. What do farmers give their wives on Valentine’s Day?
Hogs and kisses!

8. What did the elephant say to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?
I love you a ton!

9. What did the light bulb say to the switch on Valentine’s Day?
You turn me on!

10. What did one magnet say to the other on Valentine’s Day?
I find you very attractive!

Which 5 Valentine’s Day facts are true?

1. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th every year.
2. It originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring early Christian martyrs.
3. The holiday has evolved into a day to celebrate romantic love and affection.
4. In the United States, it is the second-largest card-sending holiday after Christmas.
5. The color red is often associated with Valentine’s Day due to its representation of love and passion.

What is the oldest known Valentine still in existence today?

The oldest known Valentine still in existence today is a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. This handwritten poem is now part of the manuscript collection at the British Library in London.

What are the dark origins of Valentine’s Day?

The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Rome, where a festival called Lupercalia was celebrated in mid-February to honor the god of agriculture and the coming of spring. However, it is believed that the Catholic Church appropriated this festival and combined it with the martyrdom of Saint Valentine, a priest who was executed for secretly marrying couples in love. This connection to a Christian martyr may have given rise to the romantic connotations of Valentine’s Day. However, there are also theories that suggest the holiday may have darker origins, such as a celebration of fertility and purification rituals involving the sacrifice of animals.

What is Valentines day real name?

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, is a holiday celebrated on February 14th in honor of the Christian martyr Saint Valentine. It is a day to celebrate love and affection, often marked by the exchange of gifts, cards, and romantic gestures between partners. It has also become a popular day to show love and appreciation to friends and family members.

Is Valentines day in a Bible?

No, Valentine’s Day is not mentioned in the Bible. It is a holiday that has evolved over time and is not rooted in religious traditions. The origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to ancient Roman pagan festivals and later adapted by Christianity.

What is a short romantic Valentine quote?

“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” –

What colors represent Valentine’s day?

Red and pink are commonly associated with Valentine’s Day due to their symbolism of love and affection. Red represents passion and desire, while pink symbolizes tenderness and admiration. These colors are often used in decorations, gifts, and cards during this holiday.

Who created Valentines day and why?

Valentine’s Day was created by the Catholic Church in honor of Saint Valentine, a priest who was martyred for secretly marrying Christian couples during a time when Christianity was banned in ancient Rome. It is now celebrated as a day to express love and affection to those we care about.

Valentine’s Day was named after Saint Valentine, a Roman Catholic saint, who was martyred on February 14th in the third century. The holiday was created to honor his sacrifice and celebrate the idea of love and affection. Today, it is a popular holiday celebrated around the world as a day to express love and appreciation for loved ones.


Valentine’s Day was created by Pope Gelasius I in 496 CE to honor a Christian martyr named Saint Valentine. The holiday is traditionally associated with love and romance, but its origins are rooted in religious and historical significance. Today, it is celebrated around the world as a day to express love and affection towards others.

Saint Valentine, a Christian saint, is said to have been the creator of Valentine’s Day. It is believed that he was a priest who performed secret marriages for young lovers during the rule of the Roman Emperor Claudius II. He was martyred for his actions on February 14th, which is why the holiday is celebrated on this date. Over time, Valentine’s Day has evolved into a celebration of love and affection, with people exchanging gifts and cards with their loved ones.

What are the 7 days to Valentines?

The 7 days leading up to Valentine’s Day are known as the Valentine’s Week. Each day has a different significance and is celebrated in various ways by couples around the world. The 7 days are: Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, and finally, Valentine’s Day. These days are often seen as a time to express love and affection towards one’s partner.

Who did Valentine fall in love with?

According to popular legend, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his jailer while imprisoned. Some stories say her name was Julia, while others claim it was the daughter of Emperor Claudius himself.

What do you call Valentine’s day with friends?

Galentine’s Day – a day to celebrate friendship and love among female friends.


Is Valentine’s day Based on a true story?

No, Valentine’s Day is not based on a true story. It is believed to have originated from a Roman pagan holiday called Lupercalia, which celebrated fertility and the coming of spring. Over time, it evolved into a holiday associated with love and romance, but it is not based on a specific true story.

Do Muslims celebrate Valentine’s day?

It varies among different Muslim communities, but generally Valentine’s Day is not widely celebrated as it is seen as a Western holiday that goes against Islamic beliefs and values. Some may choose to observe it in a more subdued manner, while others may not acknowledge it at all. Ultimately, the celebration of Valentine’s Day is a personal choice for Muslims and may differ based on cultural and religious beliefs.

Why do girls love Valentine’s day?

Girls may love Valentine’s day because it is a day dedicated to celebrating love and relationships. It is a chance for them to feel special and appreciated by their significant other. Additionally, Valentine’s day often involves gifts, flowers, and romantic gestures which can make girls feel loved and cherished. It is also a day where they can express their own love and affection towards their partner.

What is the best thing about Valentines day?

The best thing about Valentine’s Day is the opportunity to express love and appreciation for those who are important in our lives. It is a reminder to spread love and kindness, not just to romantic partners, but to friends, family, and even strangers. It is a day to celebrate all forms of love and relationships and to show gratitude for the people who make our lives happier and more meaningful.

What do people do on Valentine’s Day?

On Valentine’s Day, people often buy or make gifts for their significant other, go out for a romantic dinner, exchange cards or flowers, and spend quality time together. Some may also plan special surprises or plan for a weekend getaway. Others may choose to celebrate with friends or family, or use the day as an opportunity to show appreciation for loved ones in general.

Who give gifts on Valentine’s day?

Valentine’s Day is traditionally celebrated by couples, so it is common for romantic partners to give gifts to each other on this special day. However, friends, family members, and even coworkers may also exchange gifts as a way to show appreciation and love. Ultimately, anyone can give gifts on Valentine’s Day, as it is a day to celebrate all types of love and relationships.

Who got married on Valentine day?

Many couples choose to get married on Valentine’s Day, as it is seen as a romantic and meaningful day to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. However, anyone can get married on Valentine’s Day, regardless of their gender, age, or background. It is a day for all couples to celebrate their love and commitment to each other.

How can I be romantic on Valentine’s day?

There are many ways to be romantic on Valentine’s Day. You can plan a special date, write a heartfelt love letter, surprise your partner with their favorite things, or simply spend quality time together. The key is to show your love and appreciation in a thoughtful and meaningful way.


Some ideas for a romantic Valentine’s day could be cooking a special dinner at home for your partner, having a picnic in a scenic location, taking a romantic walk or hike together, or writing and exchanging heartfelt love letters. You could also plan a surprise outing or experience, such as a couples’ spa day or a hot air balloon ride. Remember to put thought and effort into making your partner feel loved and appreciated.

There are many ways to be romantic on Valentine’s Day! You could plan a surprise date, write a heartfelt love letter, cook a romantic dinner, or create a personalized gift. You could also spend quality time together, watch a romantic movie, or take a romantic walk. The key is to show your partner how much they mean to you and make them feel loved and appreciated.

Do Jehovah Witness celebrate Valentine’s day?

No, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. They do not observe holidays or events that have pagan or religious origins, as they believe these celebrations go against their religious beliefs. Instead, they focus on showing love and appreciation for their loved ones every day, rather than on one specific day.

How can I impress my man on Valentine’s day?

Some ideas to impress your man on Valentine’s day could be planning a romantic surprise, cooking his favorite meal, writing love letters, giving him thoughtful gifts, or simply spending quality time together. Ultimately, the best way to impress your man on Valentine’s day is by showing him your love and appreciation in a way that is meaningful to both of you.

Do Israelites celebrate Valentine’s day?

Yes, some Israelites do celebrate Valentine’s Day as it is a popular holiday around the world. However, it is not a traditional or religious holiday in Israel and is more commonly celebrated by younger generations who have been influenced by Western culture. Some may choose to celebrate it as a day of love and appreciation for their significant other, while others may not recognize it at all.

How many countries recognize Valentine’s day?

Valentine’s Day is recognized and celebrated in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, Australia, and the United Kingdom. In total, over 100 countries celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th.

Who is known as the Mother of the Valentine?

The Mother of the Valentine is said to be Saint Valentine’s mother, who was a Roman Christian martyr. However, there is also a legend that states that the Mother of the Valentine was a woman named Julia, who would sign her letters with “Your Valentine” and was the inspiration for the modern Valentine’s Day tradition of exchanging love letters. Regardless of her true identity, the Mother of the Valentine symbolizes the origins of this popular holiday.



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