2024 New Year Prophetic Declarations

2024 New Year Prophetic Declarations

2024 New Year Prophetic Declarations- 

I thank and appreciate you God for your loving kindness, protection, and sustenance throughout all the days of 2023 to 2024.

As we journey through this new year, Lord, let your light shine in our paths and guide us in the right direction. Heavenly Father, I ask that You lead us with your Mighty hand and protect us as we pass through 2024 in Jesus Name, I pray Amen.

prophetic word for the year 2024

  • Heavenly Father, I heartily appreciate You for bringing me safely into 2024.
  • Thank You Dear God for destroying the traps that the enemy set for me in 2024.
  • Dear Lord, I appreciate You for fighting all my battles in 2023 and bringing me unscathed into 2024.
  • Father, I thank You for the opportunities You have prepared for me in this new year.
  • Thank You Lord, in advance for the divine opportunities that will come my way in 2024.
  • I thank You, Lord, for You have sent Your Angels to go before me to prepare the way into 2024.
  • Thank You Heavenly Father for the open doors You have prepared for me in 2024.
  • Thank You Lord, for all that You have planned to accomplish in my life in 2024.
  • Father, thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy upon my life, which has taken me this far.
  • Thank You dear Lord for your love, forgiveness, and constant mercies upon my life.
  • I thank You, God for all the Heavenly blessings you have stored up for me in 2024.
  • Thank You O Lord for yet another chance to start afresh.
  • Thank You Lord, for setting me free from all the shackles that held me back in 2023.
  • Father, I thank You in advance as You cause Your will to manifest in my life this new year. In Jesus Mighty Name, I pray. Amen.

Daily Declarations for 2023 to 2024

1. Thank You Lord, for I know that the same way you brought me this far, You will hold my hand and cross me over into 2024.

2. By the Word of God, I stand against every evil pronouncement against my life—purposed to prevent me from crossing over into the new year. Let them be annulled now. In the Name of Jesus Christ!

3. By the power of God, I come against every evil conspiracy of darkness against my life, meant to stop me from crossing over safely into the new year. Let them be dismantled now. In the Name of Jesus Christ!

4. Dear God, I ask that You would send your angels to cross over before me and destroy the entrapments of the enemy set up against me.

5. Dear Lord, I lay my life and that of my family members in Your hands, as we cross over into the new year. We shall all cross over safely into 2024. In Jesus’ Name.

6. Heavenly Father, Let Your face shine upon me as I cross over into 2024. I shall cross over to encounter the worst in the New Year.

7. I and my family are going into this new year as victors, not victims of the enemy’s manipulations.

8. I cross over into the new year, may every good thing you blessed me with cross over with me. There shall be no loss. In the Name of Jesus Christ.

9. The intentions and plans of God are what will manifest in my life, as I cross over into the new year. Not the plans of the enemy.

10. Every agent of darkness assigned to cross over with me into the new year in order to complete their mission, be arrested now! In the Name of Jesus Christ!

11. Thank You Lord, for I know that You are already in 2024 and will make it conducive for me. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Also, see: End of The Month Prayer Points With Bible Verses 2023


  1. Thank You Father for a brand new year. Thank You for Your renewed mercies upon my life (Lamentations 3:22-23).
  2. Father, I honor You for I know that You shall make 2024 a blessing to me and not a curse (Deuteronomy 28:6).
  3. Thank You Lord, for Your sustenance through 2023. I ascribe all thanks, praises, and all the glory to You (Psalm 107:1).
  4. Dear God, I know that You alone have the best thoughts for me. Let them manifest in my life this year, in Jesus’ Name (Jeremiah 29:11).
  5. Dear Lord, You are the good Shepherd. Take my hand and lead me through the days of 2024 (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  6. Dear God, I ask that You make the new year a prosperous one for me. Let my efforts this year bring a bountiful harvest. In the Name of Jesus Christ (Numbers 6:24-26).
  7. Precious Holy Spirit, the revealer of secrets, I ask that You expose all plans of the wicked against my life this new year. Destroy them by Your power before they have a chance to come to pass (Psalm 91:10).
  8. Dear God, I ask that You go before me by Your power, to destroy every evil conspiracy and manipulation against my life in 2024 (Isaiah 10:27).
  9. Heavenly Father, I ask that You would Anoint me with divine favor this year. Let Your grace for divine favor work in my life wherever I go. In the Name of Jesus Christ (Luke 2:52).
  10. Lord Jesus, I pray that You would cause Your face to shine upon me this year. Let Your countenance be upon me and bring me uncommon breakthrough and success this year (Numbers 6:24-26).
  11. Father, cause Your pillar of cloud and of fire go with me this year. In my going out and coming in through the days of 2024, may I walk under your protection, in the Name of Jesus Christ (Psalm 91:1).
  12. Because I am Yours O Lord, I ask that You would send Your Angels to encamp around me and my family this year. Deliver us from all evil (Psalm 34:7)
  13. Father, I ask that You would by Your power thwart every attack of darkness against my life this year (Isaiah 54:11).
  14. Powerful God, confound the wicked concerning my life this year. Let all their evil thoughts come to naught. In the Name of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 8:10).
  15. Heavenly Father, may Your goodness and mercy be my portion, every day of my new year 2024 (Psalm 121:1-8).
  16. Lord, I ask that You bring fruitfulness upon my life this year. Let me not labor in vain, and let everything I touch to do yield profits (Psalm 37:4).
  17. Lord, I ask that You prosper me this year, so that I can become a blessing to others also (Isaiah 1:19).
  18. Dear God, because I am Yours, no affliction shall come near my dwelling this year. I shall not become a victim of any sickness, pandemic, or epidemic (Nahum 1:9).
  19. Dear Lord, I pray that You connect me with the right people in 2024. Let nothing obstruct me from meeting my destiny helpers (Philippians 2:13).
  20. Dear God, sorrow and weeping shall not be my portion this year. All my days of 2024 shall be filled with divine peace and joy (Deuteronomy 28:6).
  21. My past will not go with me into 2024. All the mistakes of the previous year shall remain with the old year. In the Name of Jesus Christ (1 Samuel 24:15).
  22. Dear God, I ask that You guide my steps by your Spirit this year to make the right choices. May I not make choices that could lead to loss and regret in 2024 (Acts 27:22).
  23. Heavenly Father, I know that my will and plans for my life this year may not be the best. I ask that Your will alone manifests in my life this 2024 (Luke 22:42).

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