Tips on How to Be a Good Mother (Not a Perfect Mom)

How do I become a good mother?

Tips on How to Be a Good Mother (Not a Perfect Mom)

Tips on How to Be a Good Mother (Not a Perfect Mom) – 

You don’t have to be a perfect mom to be a good one, nobody is perfect, there are things you do or decide that make you a good mom to your kids, if you are here on this page for tips on how to excel as a good mom then you are on the right place.

Take Time to Understand Their Behavior

As a mom you should know when your kid starts acting out of place, it is your duty to not jump to conclusions immediately, take time to study the behavior before calling your child out, find out the cause, and tackle it.

Dish out plenty of love in the form of hugs, kisses, and praise

Just because a mom should be strong doesn’t mean she won’t show affection to her kids, showing affection and love to your kids reminds them that you care about them and love them unconditionally, this will also help with their self-confidence and esteem, a child who is loved at home doesn’t care if he or she is loved outside or not.

Don’t Take Things Personally

It’s normal for kids to act out and annoy you but that doesn’t mean it should be taken personally by you, just because your kind acted out and said hurtful things doesn’t mean you should be petty and say it back too, you should caution them and resolve the issue with love.

Be there for her children when they need her

When your children need you to be there, don’t make them feel like you can’t be reliable when they are in need, being there for them constantly reminds them that they do matter and they are your top priority.

Communicate with your child

When it comes to relationships involving more than two persons, communication is the key, communicating with your kids will help the bond string and you will know what is going on in their lives.

More tips to know

  • Learn About Child Development
  • Show your support
  • Teach Your Kids Emotional Regulation Skills
  • Teach her child the importance of self-worth
  • Pay attention to all your children
  • Learn the Difference between Developmental Age & Actual Age
  • Love your children unconditionally
  • Validate Your Child
  • Allow room for her children to make mistakes and learn from them
  • Do not feel over-offended by your child’s bad behavior
  • Spend One-on-One Time
  • Set clear, firm rules
  • Remember: You Matter
  • Be a good example to your children
  • Be approachable
  • Respect that Your Child Is Their Own Person
  • Follow through with the consequences of the rules you set
  • Make a Schedule
  • Never think about how enjoyable your life was before kids
  • Share your feelings with them
  • Take Time for Self-Care
  • Try to practice what you preach
  • Get Comfortable With the Word “No”
  • Always put your child’s needs before your own
  • Accept your child’s individuality
  • Be Willing to Say I’m Sorry
  • Split responsibilities with your co-parent
  • Never resent your child

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In conclusion

Being a good mom isn’t easy, but also doesn’t mean it can’t be achieved, the aim is to be a good mom, not a perfect one.



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