Powerful Prophetic Declaration That Work

What is an example of a prophetic declaration?

Powerful Prophetic Declaration That Work

Powerful Prophetic Declaration That Work

As a Christian, you need to start declaring and manifesting good things in your life, we all know how powerful our God is, and if we don’t talk we won’t receive help, our mouth is the greatest asset that God gave us and we should use it to make declarations and see them manifest.

Prophetic declarations of blessings

  • As I seek first the kingdom of God, I will never lack bread and water on my table!
  • My star shall shine, and my promotion will not be negotiable. I command the sources of the daily provision of blessing to locate my life today.
  • And now I say: The Lord bless me and keep me. The Lord make His face shine upon me and be gracious to me. The Lord lift up His countenance upon me and give me peace. Amen.
  • I call forth every blessing that God has prepared for me before the foundations of the world, and I command them to manifest in Jesus’ name.
  • I declare that I will store up blessings for future generations. My life is marked by excellence and integrity. God’s abundance is surrounding my life today.
  • I speak to the sun and the moon to not hold back, and release all my blessings in the name of Jesus
  • The word of God says that wherever the sole of my feet shall tread upon is given to me for possession. I boldly decree that I shall possess all the good things I pursue today.
  • I speak to the heavens to drop down their blessings and the earth to be fruitful unto me. I declare that I am blessed and highly favored by God.
  • I declare God’s incredible blessings over my life. I will see an explosion of God’s goodness, a sudden widespread increase. I will experience the surpassing greatness of God’s favor.
  • I declare before the host of heavens and the host of the earth that I am blessed.
  • God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think. Because I honor Him, His blessings will chase me down and overtake me. People will go out of their way to be good to me.
  • I declare my faith is a magnet that attracts the blessings of God to me.
  • Whatever I lay my hands upon today shall prosper. Wherever I go, I shall dominate and find favor.
  • All my blessings that have been buried with dead relatives come alive and locate me in Jesus’ name.

Recite this declaration every day with faith

Prophetic Declarations and Decrees for Today’s Greatness And Success

  •  I pronounce that your recognition is made visible upon my life and your favor rests upon me and my household in Jesus’ name.
  •  God of heaven, I decree by the authority in the name of Jesus that your mighty hands rest upon me as it was on Christ and let it lift my head in the name of Jesus.
  • It is written in your word that, “ you will go before me and make crooked places straight” I declare that the crooked places be made straight. Let all the valleys be exalted in the name of Jesus.
  •  I decree that divine intervention is my portion. I shall not be void of divine help in the name of Jesus.
  •  Let the light of God shine upon my head and let it show me the path I should take in every matter. I decree that I’m prevented from errors that can frustrate my life in Jesus’ name.
  •  I decree that I’m prevented from disasters and evils that travel around in the name of Jesus.
  •  All thanks to you God for the blessings you have shown me. Your glory is great and your blessings are endless.
  • Thank you, God, for my family, friends, and loved ones. Thank you for your endless love and benevolence over our lives. You’ve blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Thank you for all you have done for me through Christ. May your name be lifted forever
  • You’re worthy to be glorified in every situation. You are God all by yourself. Thank you for being a faithful father to me in every way. I give you thanks in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the power of the Prophetic declarations you’ve given to bring your blessings into my life and glorify your name upon the earth.
  • Father, I decree that your mercy shall be in ceaseless flow over my life now and forevermore. Your mercy that opens the door of greatness is opened unto me in the name of Jesus.
  •  I decree that your favor flows into my life from every part of the world and my life shall glorify your grace in the name of Jesus Christ.
  •  It is written, you’ll keep the feet of your saints and the wicked shall be silenced in the darkness. I declare that I’m kept by the power of God and protected by the jealousy of the highest.
  • I decree that the agenda of the wicked one is frustrated in the name of Jesus. It’s written, “The God of peace bruise Satan under my feet shortly”. Satan is bound in the name of Jesus.
  • I pronounce that the fountains of heavens be opened upon me and the divine blessings without measure rain on me in the name of Jesus.
  • I decree peace and comfort into my life, my friends’ lives, my community, and, my world in the name of Jesus Christ
  • My glory shall rise like a new day and my sun shall not go down. I’m blessed, I’m not ashamed in the name of Jesus Christ.
  •  I declare that your right hand is upon me to grant me and give me a lift that is beyond human capacity in the name of Jesus.
  • It’s made known in your word that “the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage of the Lord”. Father, I decree that lines fall in pleasant places for me, I possess my heritage in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
  • Father, I declare that your angels will help me to find your purpose and plans for my life so that I can walk at the center of your will in the name of Jesus.
  • Dear Father, I decree that your counsel shall stand in my life and the plan of the wicked ones is frustrated in the name of Jesus.

Prophetic declarations for breakthroughs

  • The fresh anointing for supernatural breakthrough is upon my life. I speak to the womb of the earth, you earth! I command you to give up all my inheritance and release my portion in the name of Jesus.
  • As I remain on course with divine plans, I will be breaking forth on every side in these challenging times!
  • I declare breakthroughs are coming in my life, sudden bursts of God’s goodness. Not a trickle. Not a stream. But a flood of God’s power. I am a breakthrough person, and I choose to live breakthrough-minded.
  • Let the hand of the Almighty God push me to break through in Jesus’ name.
  • As I walk in fear of the Lord, I will be divinely guided into realms of supernatural abundance and breakthroughs.
  • Father, as I make a decree in faith to call my breakthrough into existence, I ask that the answer shall be released speedily, and I shall see my desires come into the picture in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Any door of breakthrough that I have been knocking on over the years, open by fire in Jesus’ name.
  • I invoke the activity of the blood of Jesus Christ. Every voice that is speaking against my breakthrough is silenced in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Whatsoever has become a stronghold in my life, making my success difficult, I decree that they’re brought down in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I command the activities of the wicked ones frustrated in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • I decree that every wall preventing me from entering my season of breakthrough is torn down in the name of Jesus.
  •  Every existing association not set up by God has been slowing down the pace of my success, I decree that they’re scattered now in the name of Jesus.
  •  Let God arise and let all your enemies work against your plan for my life scattered in the name of Jesus Christ.
  •  I decree the manifestation of success in my life and all my endeavors in the name of Jesus Christ.

Inspirational Quotes – Empowering Life Quotes


This can only manifest with your faith, and prayers, as you pray, declare, and manifest do so with faith and steadfastness at the end we are all children of God, and our prayers are answered irrespective of our shortcomings, it may take a while but it will surely happen, until then never relent and have faith.



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