10 Prayers for a Fresh Start Every New Month

10 Prayers for a Fresh Start Every New Month

10 Prayers for a Fresh Start Every New Month-

A new month and prayers are needed to be made.

A new month comes with a new refreshment, opportunities,

A fresh start every new month is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your goals. It’s a chance to reflect on the previous month, identify what went well and what could be improved, and then set new goals for the upcoming month.

There are four basic forms of Prayer
  • Prayer of Blessing and Adoration (praising God)
  • Prayer of Petition (asking for what we need, including forgiveness)
  • Prayer of Intercession (asking for what others need)
  • Prayer of Thanksgiving (for what God has given and done).

Prayer for a New Start This Month

Dear Father, Thank you for your love, protection, mercy, and opportunity to begin a new start. I ask you once again to guide me on the path to a new start in life.

Prayer to Trust God’s Promises

Dear Lord, let your will be done in my life and restore all you have promised. Lead me into transformation, growing me into who you have created me to be, even before the foundations of the earth. I will place my hope in you, for your Word is true.

A prayer for guidance

Dear God,

I pray for your guidance in this new month. Help me to make choices that are in line with your will for my life. Show me the path that you want me to take, and give me the strength to follow it.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for wisdom

Dear God,

I pray for wisdom in this new month. Help me to make wise decisions, both big and small. Help me to see the things that are important and to let go of the things that are not.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for strength

Dear God,

I pray for strength in this new month. I know that there will be challenges, but I trust that you will give me the strength to overcome them. Help me to persevere and to never give up on my dreams.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

Also, see: 35 Bible Verses for the New Month

A prayer for peace

Dear God,

I pray for peace in this new month. I pray for peace in my heart, in my family, and in the world. Help me to be a peacemaker and to spread your love to everyone I meet.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for joy

Dear God,

I pray for joy in this new month. Fill my heart with your joy, and help me to see the good in every situation. Help me to be grateful for all of your blessings, and to live my life with joy and enthusiasm.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for love

Dear God,

I pray for love in this new month. Help me to love you more than anything, and to love others as you love me. Help me to be kind, compassionate, and forgiving.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for provision

Dear God,

I pray for your provision in this new month. Provide for my needs and the needs of my family. Help me to be a good steward of your resources, and to use them to bless others.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for protection

Dear God,

I pray for your protection in this new month. Protect me from harm, and help me to avoid danger. Keep me safe in your loving care.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A prayer for gratitude

Dear God,

I am grateful for the gift of a new month. Thank you for your love, your mercy, and your grace. Thank you for all of the blessings in my life.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

You can write down your own prayers based on your specific needs and desires. Remember that God is always listening, and he loves to hear from his children.


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